While running from Don Kee's men they fall into the house of a nice old couple who offer them food after realizing Goku and company mean no harm. Once they reach the town everyone hides and Trunks finds the three of them on Immecka's most wanted list. Goku and the others escape but Trunks says they have to go back into town for more more parts due to Pan's "reckless driving". But while escaping, Don Kee's henchmen Gale and Sheila fire a ki blast at Goku who reflects it back with ease towards Ledgic Don Kee's right hand man who recognizes them as Saiyans. Pan jumps in the carrying car while Goku moves the ship onto the car and Pan drives the ship out of the palace with Goku and Trunks. The guards open fire on Goku and the others and Pan says that they must fight now so Goku agrees.

After briefly sneaking around a large rock falls on Trunks' head and Giru starts making noises that alarm the guards. Pan decides that they will use a stealth operation to recover the ship and would only result to fighting as a last resort. They are forced to travel to Don Kee's palace on foot to recover their ship. He tries to use Instant Transmission to teleport them to the ship but after two failed attempts realizes that he can't use it in his small body. Meanwhile Goku notices the ship being dragged away by Don Kee's men. Goku, Pan and Trunks search for the Dragon Ball around the universe. Goku, Pan and Trunks search for the Dragon Ball around the Universe. On their way back to the ship Trunks drops the Dragon Radar and it is swallowed by the small robot T-2006 nicknamed Giru who says that he can't give the radar back to them because it is already integrated into his system. Goku suggests that they go and fight Don Kee but the couple says that is impossible because of his grand army. They talk about Don Kee the ruler of the planet and how he mistreats his rule, just then Don Kee's men come and repossess the old couple's house saying they where behind payment. They escape without paying and stumble upon the house of an old couple and their children. They then realize they are being charged every second for everything in the hotel including the lights.

Groups of merchants swarm Goku and the others and they have to go to the gold star hotel to hide from the swarms of sellers. As a result, Goku must travel the galaxy and return them to Earth to prevent the planet fromĮxploding from the negative energy created by the wish.Īfter leaving Earth in the space ship designed by Bulma a piece of the ship falls off and Goku, Trunks, and Pan are forced to crash land on the planet Imecka to get the parts needed to repair the ship. The wish was made on the Black Star Dragon Balls. Soon after, an accidental wish by Emperor Pilaf transforms Goku back into a child. In Dragon Ball GT at the age of 47 (before the wish by Shenron turning him to a little kid), Goku has finished training Uub, and they have just finished testing their abilities against one another in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.